Jack Madden Ford Sales Inc

Nov 14, 2022
AC Not working

Our air conditioning systems contribute so much to our comfort while driving. If you find your car AC not working one day, then you might be in for a rather hot ride. It won’t take long for someone at your local Ford dealer to fix your AC, but first, they need to diagnose the problem. Here are five common causes of air conditioning faults in cars.

Is Your Car AC Not Working? Visit Your Ford Dealer Today

Clogged Condenser

While turned on, your air conditioner carries out a remarkably sophisticated process of manipulating refrigerant from a gaseous form into liquid form and then back again into gas. The chemical effect of this process is to cool the refrigerant, which then cools down the air flowing into your cabin.

The condenser serves the vital function of liquidizing the refrigerant. Over time, condensers can sometimes become clogged by the gooey remains of high-pressure refrigerant and also by dirt or even algae. This clogging will eventually cause your AC to stop working. You’ll need to remove the condenser and clean it.

Cracked Condenser

The condenser sits at the front of your car behind the grill where small stones and debris from the road can sometimes fly in. If your condenser becomes cracked or broken by such road debris or by other impacts, it will often stop working and you’ll need to replace it.

A buildup of rust can sometimes cause structural damage to a condenser. Salt from the treated snow of winter roads also leads to erosion. When a condenser becomes badly cracked or damaged, it can even spring a leak.

Leaking Refrigerant

Refrigerant can sometimes leak from various points in the AC system. Most often, a leak will occur around hose connections. It’s difficult to spot leaking refrigerant because it’s a colorless and odorless fluid. But you might notice an oily substance accumulating on the hoses or corroded sections of the condenser and compressor.

Faulty Cooling Fans

Air is drawn into the car by cooling fans which can sometimes become clogged or damaged by other external objects that are also sucked in. Clogged fans will need to be cleaned and cracked fans will need to be replaced, neither of which are expensive jobs.

Electrical Problems 

Any failure in the supply of electricity will also shut down your AC. If your AC is the only component affected in your vehicle, then the problem probably lies with the specific wiring for the AC. The wiring might be damaged or the AC’s fuse might have blown.

On the other hand, if multiple electrical components aren’t functioning, then you can safely assume either your alternator or your battery has run into trouble. Check them both to diagnose the problem.

Have a highly qualified technician inspect and repair your air conditioning today at Jack Madden Ford. We offer award-winning service to each and every customer who steps foot through our doors.