Jack Madden Ford Sales Inc

Feb 9, 2024
Find out if you need new tires at Jack Madden Ford!

Tires are all that stand between your car and the road, so it’s important they’re in good condition. Here are some signs it might be time to visit the Ford dealership for new tires.

Low Tread Depth

Low tread compromises traction and increases stopping distances, especially in wet conditions. If you aren’t sure whether your tread is too worn, you can measure with a penny. Insert the penny into the tread groove with Lincoln’s head facing down. If you can see the top of Honest Abe’s head, your tread is too low.

You Can See the Tread Wear Indicators

Modern tires feature tread wear indicator bars, which are narrow strips of smooth rubber within the tread grooves. Tread wear indicators on a new tire are hard to see because they are down in the bottom of the grooves. As your tires wear down, the indicator bars appear to rise. Once they are flush with the tire’s surface, you’ve reached the safe tread limit.

There Are Cracks or Cuts in Your Sidewall

Inspect the sidewall of your tires for cracks, cuts, or grooves that look more than superficial. This kind of damage can weaken your tire, leading to leaks or blowouts.

Bulges or Blisters on Your Tire

If you see patches that look like a blister bulging out of your tire, it means something has damaged the internal frame, allowing air pressure to reach the outer layers. The bubble of rubber is a weak spot that might pop while you are driving, causing a blowout. Do not drive on blistered tires. Instead, replace them immediately.

You Frequently Fill Up Your Tires

Healthy tires lose pressure over time. It’s normal to add some air from time to time, especially if the temperature has recently plunged. However, if you have to top up those tires over and over, there’s a good chance they’re leaking.

Excessive Vibration

While some vibration is normal while you drive, too much shaking or vibration that’s out of the ordinary might mean problems with your tires. Anything from uneven tire wear, balance issues, or internal tire damage could lead to a rough ride.

Your Tires Are Too Old

Rubber deteriorates over time, even if you don’t drive much. In most cases, you should replace your tires after six years, no matter how much tread is left. Old tires can fail unexpectedly as they become more brittle.

Swing By Your Ford Dealership for New Tires

When it’s time to replace your tires, visit the Norwood dealership for expert service tailored to your vehicle. Our technicians can replace your tires, check for alignment or suspension problems, and make sure your tires are properly balanced before you hit the road.

Visit Jack Madden Ford for all the help you need to choose a new set of tires.